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Active Tracker Help  
Help for General Purpose Plug-in (Active Tracker rngen32.exe)

Your Self-DestructingEmail Active Tracker plug-in installs into your system tray (near your clock). You can turn it on or off / plus choose different tracking features from this console.

Active Tracker affects all sending addresses used by the email clients you configured the plug-in to work with. The default is for 'all' compatible email and webmail clients - but you can choose the ones you want it to track from by selecting 'custom' instead of 'full' during installation.

Your system tray icon:

  • You will know when Active Tracker is on or off by your system tray icon:

    = on         = off

The Push-Pins:

  • Use the 'push-pins' to keep your chosen tracking feature turned on - this will keep the tracking feature activated until you remove the push-pin.
  • To turn Active Tracker off, remove all the push-pins, and deselect any features you have chosen.

    = off         = on

Individual tracking:

  • If you only want to track one email using any particular tracking feature, simply select the tracking feature from the main button (this will turn off after the email has been sent)
Example: Certified feature selected:    

Certified feature not selected:    

Uninstalling Active Tracker:

As with all software, you can uninstall your Active Tracker plug-in from wherever you saved it during installation. If you had followed the defaults - you will find Active Tracker in your program files (under your 'start' menu). Running this uninstall restores your original settings.


Active Tracker say's "on", but it's no longer tracking:

Our plug-ins install on your computer, and configure themselves to work with your system at that time. If you change anything (new programs / updates / the way you send email etc) then you'll need to re-install the plug-in so it can work with your current set-up:

  1. close all email programs and browsers (this is important, so note down these steps as you'll need to close your browser in order to continue)
  2. uninstall anything called 'Active Tracker' from your program files (under your start menu).
  3. restart your computer
  4. send a regular email (no tracking) to ensure that they are still going through ok
  5. download and install the general purpose plug-in from: (only install one plug-in to avoid conflicts)
  6. ensure that our envelope icon is in your system tray (near your clock) and that there is a green tick on it.
  7. send a test email to ensure that it's tracking ok.

Error message during install:

If you receive any error message during install, please write to us at: and tell us exactly what this message said. We may also need to see your RN.INI initialization file ( from your install folder - usually C:\Program Files\RNMail\RN.INI )

Having trouble uninstalling:

Simply deleting some of your Active Tracker files will not uninstall it. If you have done this - you'll need to re-install the plug in, then run the complete uninstall as mentioned above. If you are still experiencing problems, enter your SMTP (outgoing) server details back into your email client settings.

plugin help